September Issue: Surrogacy biomarkets; Abortions in India; Hindutva in the North East; & more

Friday 02 Sep 2022 TIF TIF
The India Forum
Surrogacy Biomarkets in India: Troubling Stories from before the 2021 Act
Inadequate governance and widespread unethical medical practices had made India one of the top global destinations for surrogate parenting till the Surrogacy (Regulation) Act was passed in 2021. Though this law prohibits commercial surrogacy, the proof of its efficacy will be in its implementation.
Sheela Suryanarayanan
The India Forum
Abortions in India: Myths, Facts and Reality
Shireen Jejeebhoy , Vinoj Manning
The India Forum
Sangh's Nation-Building Project in the North East
Richard Kamei
The India Forum
Nitish Kumar's New Innings: What's in it for Bihar?
The India Forum
Nari Shakti and the Elusive Quest for Justice: The Story of Bilkis Bano
Vinay Lal
The India Forum
Mortality and Death Registration in India
Murad Banaji , Aashish Gupta , Vipul Paikra
The India Forum
Symbols of the State
Ananya Vajpeyi
The India Forum
Gasping for Air, Bathing in Coal
Suravee Nayak
The India Forum
Human Face of Open-Cast Coal Mining in Jharkhand
Nilesh Kumar
The India Forum
The Journey Since 1947-I: Cinema Halls
Seema Chishti
The India Forum
The Journey Since 1947-II: Radio Times
Kalpana Sharma
The India Forum
The Chips Game and India's Role
Ankur Bisen
The India Forum
Thinking about India
Pen America
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