Good afternoon, Follow our live coverage of the Queensland election here, with David Crisafulli declining to release key LNP targets, and the cardboard cut-out controversy. Plus, the Play of the Day has the Premier's campaign clanger, forgetting the name of his party's own candidate. TODAY'S DEAL: Enjoy 20 per cent off at Australia's go-to online fashion retailer The Iconic, exclusive to Courier-Mail subscribers. Redeem the offer here.  ANALYSIS LNP's 'show me yours, I'll show you mine' strategy Queenslanders learnt today how the LNP would drip-feed policy this election: I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Despite prosecuting health for almost four years as leader, David Crisafulli still can't tell the state what ramping target he and his registered nurse health minister Ros Bates would work towards. Does he have a figure? THE SHOWDOWN: Download your Leaders Debate bingo card David Crisafulli won't reveal the LNP's ramping target. Asked on Thursday what ambulance ramping targets he would hold his health minister accountable to, Mr Crisafulli deflected and declared he would only reveal the figures when the latest quarterly health data was published. READER QUESTION: Leaders grilled over state of Bruce Hwy He then asked journalists to pressure the government to release the data and suggested the LNP's ramping targets would then be released - as some kind of reward to voters. Three days into this campaign and Queenslanders would rightly be tearing their hair out. Throwing cardboard on the campaign fire With Jarrod Bleijie still refusing to join Cameron Dick in facing our panel of undecided voters, we're pushing ahead with plans to order a cardboard cut-out to stand in his place. But before we put the order in, we've asked our readers to choose the image of Mr Bleijie they think should appear on the cutout. You can add your vote to the almost 1000 here. Which is your favourite Jarrod Bleijie cut-out?Both Mr Bleijie and Mr Dick today used the cardboard controversy to throw some barbs. It started with Mr Dick choosing his favourite cut-out - number 2 for the record - despite lamenting one shortcoming. "What I'll say about number two, it doesn't have a big enough pocket handkerchief, Jarrod Bleijie is well known for that," he said. Mr Bleijie didn't hold back in his retort, declaring: "If you had a cardboard cutout of me in a room with Cameron Dick, it would be more interesting and make more sense than the real Cameron Dick." Needless to stay if both do accept our invitation to a debate, it will make for unmissable viewing. |