Hello, Apple’s push to expand into India continues. The iPhone maker is finally ready to open its first retail store at the Jio World Drive Mall in Mumbai. The company is also planning a second store in New Delhi. Apple has also been ramping up its local assembling efforts and manufacturing capabilities in India. In other news, Reliance Chairman Mukesh Ambani has regained his spot as Asia's richest person after Gautam Adani slipped to number 2 as his net worth tumbled to $47.2 billion. With a net worth of $83.4 billion, Ambani ranks number 9 on the world billionaire list. The world’s 25 richest people are worth a cumulative $2.1 trillion, down $200 billion from $2.3 trillion in 2022. Elsewhere, Paytm saw a 253% year-on-year growth in loan disbursal in the fourth quarter o FY23. The company’s customer base expanded with 90 million average monthly transacting users for Q4, from 85 million in the previous quarter, overall clocking a 27% y-o-y growth. ICYMI: Apo Whang-Od, a 106-year-old tattoo artist from the Philippines, became Vogue's oldest-ever cover model. In today’s newsletter, we will talk about - The legacy of Kolar-based Koskii
- Wearables to ensure children’s safety
- Rise of Saudi Arabia as a tech hub
Here’s your trivia for today: In 2010, which tournament became the first sporting event to be broadcast live on YouTube? |