Hello, Swiggy is planning its public listing. The foodtech major plans to be IPO-ready by September, reported Entrackr, and is expected to file its pre-IPO documents in another 6-8 months. This news comes after Swiggy appointed three independent directors to its board on Monday. In July 2021, Swiggy’s close competitor Zomato made a stellar debut on the public markets, closing at Rs 126, more than 64% above its issue price of Rs 76. However, it has undergone some value correction since then. On Tuesday, the company closed at Rs 50.50. Speaking of Zomato, global dining business head Aman Priyadarshi announced his exit from the company and has joined Sequoia-backed Kenko Health. This marks the fifth senior exit from the foodtech company since late last year, including Co-founder Gaurav Gupta and CTO Gunjan Patidar. Meanwhile, Paytm’s share price continued to rise, taking its cumulative gain to nearly 28%, after it reported positive Q3 results on Friday. Yesterday, shares surged to almost Rs 670 apiece, closing at Rs 589.30. ICYMI: A device that allows you to type LOL only when you truly laugh out loud. Is this the end of fake laughs? In today’s newsletter, we will talk about - MeitY’s target list of digital lenders
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Here’s your trivia for today: Which literary award is known as the “Little Nobel Prize”? |