Make sure your product makes you money

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21 June 2022

Everyone makes mistakes – especially when it comes to business. Whether it's choosing a revenue strategy that fits your customer needs or taking your time getting a product to market, it's worth figuring out what really works for your company. Here are five common mistakes to avoid.



This revenue hack isn't for everyone

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Some retail brands have grown huge off the subscription model, but that doesn't mean it's right for every business. These companies are stepping back from it.



Make sure your product makes money

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Having an idea for a product and making a profit from it are two different things. Here's how to make sure your product is financially viable.



Take trademark infringement seriously

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Accidentally using another company's name is a lot easier to do than you'd think. Be proactive by searching through a local trademark office.



How to create customer feedback loops

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Your customers know best – but, if you don't have a strategy for getting their feedback, you can't learn from them.



Even successful brands stumble…

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When the founder of MIGA Swimwear launched her line of accessible apparel, she learned what not to do: don't overuse paid ads, rush into products or focus on one unique selling point.


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