Prabhas announced that he would be teaming up with Bollywood director Om Raut for 3D film titled Adipurush. Since then, there have been a lot of expectations revolving around the project. Though the first-look poster was unveiled in August 2020, the film went to floors 2nd February 2021 in the presence of the cast and crew. And we have already reported that the shoot of the film has been wrapped up. Now according to the latest report, the release of Adipurush has been postponed and the reason behind it is Bollywood movie Laal Singh Chaddha.
The production house of Laal Singh Chaddha expressed gratitude to the makers of 'Adipurush', for pushing their release date, for the Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor starrer.
Laal Singh Chaddha which was earlier supposed to grace the theatres on 14th April, is now pushed to 11th August. Prabhas starrer Adipurush, which was slated for 11 August release, has now been moved.
Adipurush is bankrolled by Bhushan Kumar, CMD of T-Series, Adipurush will feature actor Saif Ali Khan as the antagonist Ravana whereas Sunny Singh as Laxman. Adipurush is made on a whopping budget of Rs 400 crore. A huge amount of the money spent on VFX, which is an important part of the film.
#Adipurush : Since 11th Aug date is missed, the best & nearest possible date to release the film is 05th Oct which has a five day long weekend.
Let's hope for the makers go with this date. Dussehra season is perfect considering the genre of the film too.