Akhilesh Yadav And SP Singh Baghel Net Worth: Samajwadi Party President Akhilesh Yadav, who filed his nomination papers on Monday from Karhal assembly constituency of Mainpuri district, has a mobile phone worth Rs 76,015 and a work out machine worth more than Rs 5.34 lakh. While the SP chief does not have any weapons, his rival from BJP S. P. Singh Baghel has a licensed rifle and revolver.
According to the election affidavits of the two leaders, Akhilesh (and his wife Dimple and daughter Aditi) have assets worth over Rs 40.14 crore, while Baghel (and his wife Madhu and son Parth) have assets worth over Rs 8.75 crore.
According to the affidavit, Dimple Yadav has a computer worth Rs 1.25 lakh and gold ornaments weighing more than 2,774 grams, 203 grams of pearls, 127.75 carats of diamonds worth Rs 59,76,687.
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The SP chief's husband and wife do not have any vehicle. Akhilesh Yadav's total movable assets is more than Rs 8.43 crore, while that of Dimple is more than Rs 4.76 crore. The movable assets of Akhilesh, Dimple and Aditi are more than Rs 13.30 crore.
Akhilesh Yadav has immovable assets of more than Rs 17.22 crore, while Dimple has immovable assets of more than Rs 9.61 crore. His total immovable assets are more than Rs 26.83 crore. The SP chief has a liability of more than Rs 28.97 lakh, while his wife has a liability of more than Rs 14.26 lakh.
The total movable assets of BJP candidate Baghel (and his wife and son) is more than Rs 84 lakh. This includes more than Rs 45.94 lakh of Baghel, more than Rs 25.91 lakh of Madhu Singh Baghel (wife) and over Rs 12.14 lakh of Parth Singh Baghel (son).
The total immovable assets of the Union Minister is more than Rs 7.91 crore. This includes more than Rs 1.85 crore of Baghel, over Rs 5.99 crore of Madhu and over Rs 7.70 lakh of Parth. Currently, 61-year-old Baghel, who is the Lok Sabha MP from Agra (Reserved), is the Minister of State in the Union Ministry of Law and Justice.
According to the election affidavit, Baghel has no liability, while his wife has a liability of more than Rs 63.33 lakh. The Union minister, in his election affidavit, has said that three cases are pending against him in the court, while an FIR is registered against Akhilesh Yadav and no case is pending against Baghel.
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