Prem Leela is an upcoming Bhojpuri movie in 2015, Vikrant and Monalisa in lead roles. This film is Directed by Ramashankar and Produced by Sujit Kumar and Bhupendra Vijay Singh. It is made under the banner of Indra Films International Presents and releasing in 2015.
First look Poster of Prem Leela 2015 |
Status:- | Shooting |
Updated:- | 2015 |
Prem Leela (2015) |
Genre:- | Romance, Drama |
Release Date:- | 2015 |
Filmmakers |
Story/Writer by:- | Sanjay Roy |
Directed by:- | Sujit Kumar |
Producer by:- | Sanjay Singh Rajput and Bhupendra Vijay Singh |
Music by:- | Ghungru |
Geet by:- | Arvind Tiwari |
Action/Fight:- | Hira Yadav |
Editing by:- | N/A |
Studio / Distributor:- | Indra Films International Presents |
Language:- | Bhojpuri |
Budget | N/A |
Sunny Leone Hot Pics From Ek Paheli Leela ... Salman Khan‘s one of the most awaited upcoming movie is Prem Ratan Dhan Payo starring ...
Star-Cast & Role |
Vikrant | --:as:-- | N/A |
Monalisa | --:as:-- | N/A |
Priya Sharma | --:as:-- | N/A |
Brijesh Tripathi | --:as:-- | N/A |
Anand Mohan | --:as:-- | N/A |
Gopal Rai | --:as:-- | N/A |
Wandini Mishra | --:as:-- | N/A |
Seema Singh | --:as:-- | In Item Song |
Story (Plot) |
Prem Leela is story Coming Soon... . |
Sunny Leone Hot Pics From Ek Paheli Leela ... Prem Chopra, Hanif Hilal and others exclusively on T-series.
Trailer |
Prem Leela Official Trailer |
For all those who only thought of Sunny Leone as an epitome of being a sex symbol, here's some news that might change your perception. The news is that Sunny is now ...
Music(Song's) |
S.No | Song Name | Music | Artis (Singer) |
- | - | - | - |