Bollywood queen Aishwarya Rai along with her husband Abhishek Bachchan and father-in-law Amitabh Bachchan attended at HT Mumbai's Most Stylish Awards 2015 held in The City on Thursday night. Special news of Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan the couple won the Most Stylish Couple Of The Year at the gala.
Bollywood glamor queen wearing a Toni Maticevski's black shoulder off gown at the event. She had most beautiful face, great stunning body and she looks gorgeous.
She looks great, specially when Big B comes on to stage and fixes her dress and then she turns and smiles at Abhishek Bachchan and they all laugh together and then pose for another pics. That was heart warming, glad to see that sometimes we are wrong about this woman and they all look so happy together as a family.
Tags: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan stills at HT Mumbai's Most Stylish Awards 2015, Aishwarya Rai stills at HT Mumbai Most Stylish awards 2015, Aishwarya at HT Mumbai Most Stylish awards 2015 photos, Aishwarya Rai in shoulder off dress at HT Mumbai Most Stylish awards 2015, Aishwarya Rai spicy photos at HT Mumbai Most Stylish awards, Aishwarya Rai hot stills at HT Mumbai Most Stylish awards 2015, Aishwarya Rai in red carpet stills at HT Most Stylish awards 2015.
Bollywood glamor queen wearing a Toni Maticevski's black shoulder off gown at the event. She had most beautiful face, great stunning body and she looks gorgeous.
She looks great, specially when Big B comes on to stage and fixes her dress and then she turns and smiles at Abhishek Bachchan and they all laugh together and then pose for another pics. That was heart warming, glad to see that sometimes we are wrong about this woman and they all look so happy together as a family.
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